Do Your Best

Michael Virardi
2 min readNov 16, 2022


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Welcome to the forty-eighth edition of “In-Touch”. As always, I would love to continue the conversation so please let me know what you think in the comments below.

Story of the Week: Do Your Best

Last week, a friend asked me to collect his son from school. Since the boy is one of my own son’s classmates, I saw it as an opportunity to conduct a little ‘investigation’. On our way home, I asked the young lad, “Who are the best pupils in your class?”

I expected him to reel off a list of names — including my son’s — but he surprised me with his answer. After a brief pause to think about the question, he looked at me and said,

“The ones who try the hardest.”

Two years ago, this young boy had been far from the top of his class. However, he eventually turned things around and was now scoring straight ‘A’s in all his lessons. Such determination to improve does not come out of nowhere; it is instilled by a ‘higher power’ and, in this this case, it was obviously his parents.

In the workplace, this ‘higher power’ usually takes the form of a gifted manager or a caring CEO. A role model who leads by example and offers encouragement, even when results could be better, always increases the likelihood of leading his or her team to consistent straight ‘A’ performances.

Being ‘quite good’ at your job or in your position is not good enough. You should always be striving to do your best. However, performing at your best level is not something that you can effortlessly maintain forever. You need to show determination and persevere and, like the ‘best pupils’ in my son’s class, ensure that you are always trying your hardest. As award-winning author Frank Sonnenberg, named one of America’s Top 100 Thought Leaders, writes, “You don’t have to be the best, but you should always do your best.”

My friend’s 9-year-old son impressed me that day and he also taught me a valuable life (and business) lesson: Show people how to succeed and they will perform well; teach them why they need to succeed and they will exceed your expectations — and perhaps their own, too.

Words of Wisdom

Practice makes lucky

“The harder I practise, the luckier I get.”

Gary Player (Golfing legend)

A Question to Ponder, dear friend.

“How disappointed will you be if your children don’t get straight ‘A’s?”

Feel free to comment and let me know.

Thank you,

Michael R. Virardi



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