Little Things That Matter

Michael Virardi
3 min readMay 9, 2021


Welcome to the eight edition of “In Touch.” As always, I would love to continue the conversation so please hit “reply” and let me know what you think.

Story of the Week: Little Things That Matter

Two of the many things you can do to make your employees feel appreciated are (1) solicit their opinions and, when you do so, (2) ensure that they feel comfortable.

Jason Neophytou, the General Manager (GM) of Eureka Ltd, does both very effectively.

During a recent chat over coffee, he told me that most employees feel nervous whenever they are called into the GM’s office. Over the course of his many years in Management, Jason has discovered that people don’t feel as comfortable in there as they do when the GM comes to their own office or workspace, which is where the majority are more relaxed because they feel ‘at home’ and, at the same time, are thus more willing and able to offer honest feedback.

For this reason, most meetings that involve the GM of Eureka are held in his colleagues’ offices rather than his own. He either arranges them a day or a week in advance (picking up the phone himself) or, to chat about less important issues, he may simply walk in unannounced holding a cup of coffee.

Building a culture of appreciation ultimately comes down to implementing a few simple practices: Make your people feel comfortable. Make them matter and feel at home. Make the effort to elicit their opinions in what they see as a safe and familiar environment.

You will be surprised by how such little things can make a huge difference to the way your people react and interact with you.

After all it is evident that people perform better when they are treated better.

Words of Wisdom

On trust:

“Everyone knows that trust is a building process that takes time, energy, and intentionality.”

John Maxwell, Leadership guru

Not a slogan, a reality:

“The same thing is true in business. Get yourself a great HR person, preferably one with multi skills, in manufacturing perhaps or in sales, who happens to be a people person. Who understands that the role of the HR leader is to be both pastor and parent: pastor in keeping secrets and parent in keeping it straight. You get that person who loves to see people grow and you got yourself a winner.” Welch believes that “business is all about people. And that’s not a slogan, that’s a reality. People that have it as a slogan don’t get it.”

Jack Welch, former General Electric CEO, CEO of the Century by Fortune Magazine

A Question to Ponder

How do you make your people feel ‘at home’?

Hit reply and let me know what you believe.


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  2. We are honored that Seán Meehan from IMD is joining us on the CXS™ May 20, 10:25 EEST.
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Best Regards,

Michael R. Virardi



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